Tuesday, March 1, 2011


 The second half of 2010 was a whirlwind for me.  To the surprise of many (not the least of which was me), I got married in December.  We met in 2009 and started dating in July, which to some may seem quick but when you get to our age maturity you have a better idea of what you want in an Eternal Companion.

Let the above photo be a warning to all who are planning a wedding... Never let family and friends have access to your house while you are on honeymoon.  My flatmate (US translation: roommate) decided to express her happiness in a way she knew I'd understand.  We both love Princess Bride and one of our favourite scenes is Peter Cook performing the wedding ceremony.

After us newlyweds had managed to hit the road (muchly delayed by a toilet-papered, glad-wrapped, oreo-cookie-encrusted car - thanks Tony...), both sets of in-laws and sundry friends gathered to celebrate their chance to trash the house with no fear of retribution.  After all, we would be gone for a week and by then they would have scattered to their respective corners of the country and globe.

My flatmate's parting gift (and don't get me wrong - I laughed 'til my ribs hurt when I saw it) was to graffiti the window with a sentiment that's best pronounced with Peter Cook in mind.  Yes, folks - that's wedding cake.  Red velvet, to be precise (thanks Natascha, it was lovely!).

I think the only thing that amused me more was to connect two conversations with rellies when we got back:

Bro-in-law:     "Did you find all the eggs with holes in them?"
Mum:     "Your brother's plane was struck three times by lightning."

Oh - and we can't forget the wonderful job they did with decorating for Christmas.  The attic looked lovely.


Em T said...

Very nice. (and I have heard great things about those cakes...) That is preferable to the graffiti I was at the receiving end for. Shoe polish on the car windows. Ask me how easy that was to get off.

Go ahead, ask me;)

Kelly said...

Funny! If only I was there. I can't wait to hear about this whole mawage thing. Hopefully you blog more often.

Anonymous said...

Just be glad the no one found a spade in order to move that beautiful cherry tree in the backyard.

Southern Kiwi said...

I have this mental image of Mum standing guard over that tree, defending it from our siblings.