Friday, March 18, 2011

About Cats and Dogs

Mr. F learned something about cats the other day; you play with them on their terms, not human terms.  And certainly not dog terms.

I was lying propped up on one elbow reading, with Pepper the cat sprawled out next to me on the bed.  Mr. F had been playing chase with our dog Rocket and they came bounding into the bedroom, both bright-eyed and one bushy-tailed.  I caught the mischievous grin and realised there was no way to prevent what was coming.

Before I could even catch a breath to say "Nnnnooooooooo!", Mr. F pounced at Pepper, landing with hands and face square in front of the cat.  Now, Rocket would have instantly mimicked the pose and a nice game of rough-house would have ensued.  Mr. F, never having been owned by a cat, had no reason to think things would go differently.

In the space of about a second, Pepper did a classic cat hiss-and-puffball pose, then spun around and sprang (thankfully) over me, slamming into the headboard before landing on the floor.  Cats just don't play that way.  He then proceeded to allow Mr. F to apologise profusely.

Pepper's middle name is Magnanimous.  When he feels like it.  And may Mr. F never lose that mischievous grin.


likeschocolate said...

Thanks for visiting me! Glad to see you are doing well. It seems like forever since I have seen you. Have you moved out of the stake?

Kelly said...

I can't believe you still have Pepper. He has got to be pretty old now.

Southern Kiwi said...

He's 12 now... but another cat I had who's a lot like him physically lived to 22. You never know.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha. Having both cats and dogs is funny. They are so unbelievable different. My husband has the magical touch with animals. The dogs worship him, the cats love him. The dogs love my running pants more than they love me I sometimes think ;o) But we can play and play and play. And I'm always tired before they are. The cats give me three minutes at the most. Then they go off on their own adventures.