Monday, March 7, 2011


So guess where I sat for a couple of hours the other morning?  Yup, the tyre shop (US translation: tire).  I love my car to death, but it does seem to have a penchant for picking up nails - this is the second one in about 18 months.  And no, I don't spend all my time driving around construction sites.  Riding the Tail of the Dragon would be much more fun.

Have you heard of the new gel nail polish?  (How's that for a change of direction worthy of TotD?) Dries quickly, hard as - well - nails, lasts longer than regular nail polish.  Actually it doesn't come off.  Ever.  You are doomed to repeated visits to the nail salon (did I hear a chorus of "oh bummer" from some?  Sarcasm doesn't become you, ladies), peeling it off or waiting for it to grow out.

Problem with peeling it off is that the top layer of your nail goes with it.  And somehow it manages to weaken the tips of your nails if you leave it to grow out.  So either way, you're stuck with nasty, shattered and peeling nails until time has replaced your entire nail.  Mine have been three months now and counting...

My advice?  Avoid gel nail polish like the plague.  Whichever plague scares you most.

1 comment:

Em T said...

My fingers started twitching reading this. I swear, I'm feeling physical pain. You have no idea how much the idea of impenetrable nail polish freaks me out.

Sooooo, good luck with that!