Saturday, November 21, 2009


Had an interesting episode at the doctor's office recently.  I went in with a nasty sore throat and was told it wasn't strep (yay!).  Doctor told me it's a viral infection, not bacterial.

"Let me write you a prescription for antibiotics."

Wait.  Didn't you just say it was a virus?

"Umm... do I really need antibiotics?"

"No, not really.  You can just gargle salt water four times a day instead."

Whoa Nellie!!!  Now, I'm not in the medical profession, but it seems to me that a course of antibiotics and gargling salt water are on two vastly different ends of the treatment spectrum...

But that's just my humble opinion.

1 comment:

Southern Kiwi said...

I know... sorry about that! Craziness of the season. But I have two weeks off coming up yay! Thanks for checking. I've been reading your blog, good stuff.